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Episode #19 – Ethics in AI

In this episode of the BigCheese AI Podcast, our regular hosts Brandon Corbin, Sean Hise, Jacob Wise, and DeAndre Harakas dive deep into the pressing concerns surrounding the ethics of artificial intelligence. They tackle the question of why ethics in AI is a significant point of discourse, its real-world implications, and the viewpoints of key players in the tech industry.

Show Notes

Show Notes for BigCheese AI Podcast - Episode on Ethics of AI
In this episode of the BigCheese AI Podcast, our regular hosts Brandon Corbin, Sean Hise, Jacob Wise, and DeAndre Harakas dive deep into the pressing concerns surrounding the ethics of artificial intelligence. They tackle the question of why ethics in AI is a significant point of discourse, its real-world implications, and the viewpoints of key players in the tech industry.
Key Topics Covered:
- The necessity of discussing AI ethics.
- The perspective of tech billionaires on AI as a potential existential threat.
- OpenAI's transition from a non-profit to a for-profit entity; intentions behind the move.
- Historical parallels: nuclear technology, biotechnology, genetic editing (CRISPR), and the potential consequences.
- Systemic bias within AI models and their effects on various societal elements like recruitment, facial recognition, healthcare, credit services, and criminal justice.
- Differing views on whether AI should self-police its ethical boundaries.
- Concerns around AI perversely perpetuating biases and profiling based on flawed data sets.
- Future societal dynamics influenced by AI models.
- The dangers of overreliance on AI for fact-checking and decision-making.
- Potential loss of human innovation to the efficiency of AI.
- Regulation and risk management for AI deployment in sensitive areas.
- The importance of recognizing AI's imperfections and its faulty decision-making mechanisms.
- Comparisons to previous technological developments and how future generations may perceive current AI advancements.
Relevant Quotes:
- "Is AI good, or is AI bad?" - Sean Hise questioning the binary perception of AI.
- "My guttural reaction is it's all bullshit. You don't need to have technology that's self-aware of its ethics or trying to overcorrect itself to make sure it doesn't offend anybody." - Brandon Corbin addressing the skepticism towards AI ethics.
- "There can be no consortium that isn't really a... it would have to come from a government or something. That's what the purpose of government is, is to regulate." - Andre Harakas on who should regulate AI.
- "The biggest loss right now, in my opinion, in AI, is the lack of focus on what humans are able to do on their own." - Jacob Wise on the potential underestimation of human innovation.
- "You absolutely will have large language models that, when you're interacting with it, will give—Gemini does a decent job where it's trying to give you the sources. But there's almost a lack of incentive in the future to create web content." - Sean Hise on the changing nature of web content creation as affected by AI models.
The podcast wraps up with the hosts' individual closing thoughts, reaffirming the complexities and potential consequences AI presents to various aspects of society, as well as the role future generations will play in shaping the ethics and usage of AI.