Hosts: Sean Hise, Jacob Wise, and Brandon Corbin
Episode Summary: In this insightful episode of the BigCheese AI Podcast, Sean, Jacob, and Brandon dive deep into the latest AI developments and the industry's ever-evolving landscape. From the emergence of new AI models like Grok 3 and their impact on popular platforms such as X AI and OpenAI, to the realities of AI in customer service reflected in Clarna’s recent pivot back to human resources, the hosts explore the fine balance between technological advancement and human intuition. They also highlight the historical evolution of technology, questioning the role of AI in complementing rather than replacing human efforts.
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Join us in navigating the intricacies of AI and technology, where the future is about leveraging the power of human ingenuity alongside AI innovation.
Welcome back to the big cheese AI podcast. I am your host today. My name is Sean Heiss and I'm here with my boys that don't get to have any music when they're talking. Three of her aloop there. What's up Brandon? Hello everybody. I'm Brandon. What's up Jacob? Hello. In Brandon. Let me ask you a question. Is it is it bright in here? Is that very bright? This is what we're gonna be this this is what we're gonna be rocking this time? We're gonna be sitting here mainly because fuck all of you. Oh, that's why. All right. So let's get right into it. Okay. So we AI blah, blah, blah. It's big, it's been a big week. And unfortunately we have to talk about Elon Musk again and his company X AI that's got GPUs. What's going on? Yeah. Because it's all over the internet. Grock is back baby. Grock is back. And basically so the Grock three has been released from the the X AI team. A lot of people are saying that this is on point with O1 that the that it's that it's that you know again anytime anybody releases a new model it's the greatest thing. Here's all the benchmarks that we're able to build it to beat to beat. And and really I don't use it. I don't know how many people use it. Like what was funny is we do have this screenshot. We want to certainly read the screenshot mainly because it's not loading on my computer unless Jacob wants to read it. But somebody just basically went in there and asked Grock three if Elon was a racist and it went on this whole diatribe. Well isn't that his whole thing that his model is an adult or like it is filtered or whatever. So but here's an interesting thing that's happening is that open AI is going to do it too. So open AI has said that they're going to be reducing their guard rails. They're going to be reducing the restrictions. And what's very interesting is that it seems to very much just a line with whoever the current administration is. Well meanwhile Gemini has agreed to remove black people from the signing of the declaration of independence images. Dude Gemini has the most annoying feature of all time. What the fuck was I asking the other day. It was medical advice. I was I had lace like last week. It's not a big deal. But look you're not wearing your glasses. They go. But I was like hey I have this condition or this thing was happening in every fucking question was I'm not a medical doctor. I can't give you medical advice. But the internet says this and it repeated it every single time. The whole spiel. That's what it's like to use AI in Europe. Oh yeah I'm sure. So that's actually an interesting thing and I've never actually thought about this. But the reality is is obviously Europe has all of these restrictions when we went over to Ireland's from my parents 50th anniversary whatever it was that just just using the internet was a wild experience because so much of it was localized that you don't realize how much of your stuff is actually localized right you just think that you're on the internet right and then you realize oh my god no I'm on the I'm on Ireland's internet and now everything that I'm seeing here is very much tied to them. It's it's censored by them the things that they allow the things they don't allow like that was a really fucking wild experience was having that and seeing it there so anyway yeah yeah that was crazy and I guarantee that the like I would now go and get on a VPN drop into Ireland and use some of these AI models to see like how different it would actually be is it different yeah I don't know but I did see a really funny story about an Ireland dude the other day you know those portals they're like yeah this is dude York and Ireland have no Dublin yeah yeah this guy was like he had a sign that was like be my friend you know here's my phone number this fucking bro from Ireland was like texting him and the whole thing is for for views but he went over to Ireland and like hung out they flew out that day and just fucking got beers with this guy and they're just like all these epic pictures of them hanging out throughout the night and I'm like that's awesome dude so okay I'm gonna tell you that the the the the sorry I just got told that I get this my yeah I double as producer so like when anyone's not doing the right thing you see me looking around it's me there it's in my grill but so so I go out to Ireland and with my family and all that and I'm just kind of like okay you know it's it's fun family blah blah blah blah but I finally just need a break so I go and I wander around and we're at this hotel and there's just a bunch of lads sitting in the middle of this courtyard and they're like and I ended up spending six hours with these guys into the wee hours of the night and they're just telling the funniest damn stories they're like you want to split from like thank god yes I want to split right like again just a little you know a little back you know what I split yeah and it was but but was the funniest part is the guy just kept telling stories and he would roll this bliff and he would tell stories and you tell and he must have rolled this thing for four hours before he finally passing it over it was just like but it was the greatest time I've ever had just hanging out with a bunch of dudes telling a bunch of stupid ass stories and it was hilarious and yeah that will go down and one of the greatest nights that I've ever had well the point here is that Gemini sucks but no the point we were getting back to is oh there's a new model and it's great and it's like y'all you know like we keep getting these models and they're better than I think every model I mean who's gonna put out a model that is an on par or good as the latest like if you'll really smile like hey we just came out with our new model it's it's a 15th best right I hope you like it well and so that's what I don't necessarily understand what the what the what the planets because like everybody's like okay now it's this is as good as O1 or it's as good as O3 well what's what's open AI already working on that right they already have so where we know that O8 open AI is gonna be going is I think finally they're gonna correct their naming problem here that they're going to say that that 4.5 I think I think what's gonna happen is we're gonna get away from these models being at the center point that has to be I mean that's the that's the point is is everything has been oh the model the model model it's like well my model I actually my models somewhat a commodity in my workflow it's the application of the model that is the mode for me yeah so one of the things that I saw and I'm gonna give prompt privacy some props we're back to blowing prompt privacy congratulations so they they rolled out an auto pilot feature for before again same exact thing you could select from 150 different models right well you never know what models are actually relevant and so they've they've set up an auto pilot feature that basically whatever your prompt is you go in there's now it's two shots the first shot is basically saying what model should we use what tools should we use what what you know what data should we use all of these things and then we get all of that and now we go and we decide here's the model we're sending this all to boom and then you give it to the model that's exactly what Chatchy BT is gonna do you're gonna start interacting with Chatchy BT you're not gonna be thinking of models or versions you're just gonna be talking to it behind the scenes it's gonna say this person just asked this one thing I need to use Dolly to generate an image oh he asked for something highly fucking complicated I'm gonna use O3 for reasoning yeah the whole user experience have switched between models it's gonna be dead is I've gotten stuck where I'm like on O3 and I'm like oh my god I wasn't trying to get a book written for me I just want to know you know how to write some code totally is funny because like it's like it's good it is pretty good the even the many one but they're like reasoning like the user wants me to do this here's the steps I'm gonna take you know my guess I will never I will never use a reasoning model I am mr. please give me answer now I really don't need if it's wrong I'll find out in five minutes by the way we're talking about that mixture of experts model which Google leave it to fucking Google Android does this shit all the time where they come out with a feature years and years before Apple but they don't know how to fucking sell it like what is wrong with them I have a bunch of Google stock and I'm still sitting here like what the fuck are you doing you're winning I will say so Gemini has basically been forced into Google workspace I mean did you did you did you opt or work into it no they're just they stop it I didn't I didn't I thought it was Jacob so Jacob's like our our he's our CTO so he's the guy that's like if someone's gonna make a change to Google workspace which is what we run all our stuff on it's gonna be him well one day Gemini is just in there that's crazy because they just dropped it in so so historically Google and workspaces you had to opt in for everything dude every time I just Trojan horse into everyone's Google workspace that's hilarious and and you know it's one of those things where if you see let me write this email for you a hundred times you know on the hundredth time you're gonna do you go you know what I'm gonna just let me see what it does so do we then that's for for for big cheese then we should right I mean yeah but the thing is is that Gemini is being put just forced down your throat but I don't think we're paying any extra for it they were charging at the beginning so that was a big shift in Google's approach it was like a $20 a month add on or something and then they were like nope we're gonna give it to you for free as they should though I mean because again their model is ads so so they're the product don't you realize that right yeah yeah your data is was what they want right so why would they not just be like fuck this we're just gonna make everything well blue there's a you know the reason is because it's not cheap to do all this no no it's not but nevertheless like Amazon Google I mean all of these companies have been comfortable like losing millions and millions of dollars so platform companies are gonna continue to cut their the way that they charge for AI to the point that it's free Oracle all Oracle if you go watch CMBC or Gemini is here to save you baby I just logged into our big cheese so you press continue you for for the rest of your life good Gemini will be on your data oh fuck yeah all you do is press one blue button and you've opted into them harvesting all your data for their AI models yeah I'm sure I read that but but get back to Oracle or if you watch CMBC which I do which is a great it's always been probably the most and besides Bloomberg I think it's the best Bloomberg does a great job of reporting what's going on in the world even if it's financial related you'll figure out what's going on Asia things you would never have known and if you're in Indie by the way if you go to if you have an HD radio go to one of three point three not X one of three but one of three point three the HD to channel yeah that's Bloomberg really you can get Bloomberg on your your radio and it's fantastic and it's the international Bloomberg but CMBC is good but you know it's it's the stock ticker of the old days yeah but Oracle advertises on CMBC and Oracle on all of their ERP platforms they're advertising that the AI is free there is no extra charge for their AI integrations yeah oh hey everybody welcome back so what we're going to talk about now is the HP acquiring the humane pin and if you remember is probably I don't know season two we I'm sure we probably talked about it basically it's a little pin that you put on your little titty and you could like tap to it you could talk to it and it would do certainly do a lot of things and it had like this laser thing where you could put your hand out and it would display some things on your screen no one really liked it it apparently got really hot it was buggy it was problematic very much like the R1 where you get these like very inventive CEOs who come up with this idea and then people give them a lot of money and then they go and they build a shitty product that doesn't actually go anywhere however HP ended up acquiring them and there are 300 patents so apparently they had 300 patents so there's a value there and if there's anything that you can learn through this experience here is that if you really want to have value you need to have your patents and and as somebody who is is anti-capitalistic as I am and who I hate patents I hate the idea of patents because it's basically just to make it so that you limit other people from being able to do things and to compete in a natural market however doesn't change the fact that this HP pen was kind of dog shit and they still got bought even though it was a failure and it got bought because they had those 300 patents but they are going to stop the sales of it they're basically moving everything over into what they're calling now the HP IQ which I guess is going to be there like probably intelligence you know quotient group within HP so nevertheless that pen concept was a good idea failure is the execute which I think we're going to see that just over and over and over again for probably the next five years until we actually get a whole line of new products. Jacob and I had this conversation with this client actually wasn't even a client it was like literally we are talking to someone about hosting a website and it was like you know it's the most basic thing we offer and Jacob gets on the phone with this person and this person's like who the hell are you you know and then they're like they're what they're like basically like we don't like it when people hold other people's website hostage by hosting it on their behalf like and I I don't know can you explain their reasoning because there's a point over at the HP thing of what was their reasoning of saying like what what's what's happening here if we host someone's website. It was okay it was it was a ballot so first of all I think they were very threatened because we were taking over their hosting or whatever but they were basically like we don't believe in holding our clients hostage so essentially they saw it as like if we were to host their site we would have leverage over them but yeah and that would be holding them hostage they think the client should own the hosting and I was like that's fine we we encourage clients to host their own stuff too if they want to but if they don't or can't we can also accommodate that right we have a shared hosting platform that we can put them on that's you know anyway but the the point about the humane pin if you know the point about HP how are they still a company dude you know so you know what I mean it's it's it's it's it's it's companies like HP and IBM and CDW wander yeah it's like it's like companies that are stuck on windows environments they are they're stuck in tech they're stuck in mass user tech they're stuck in LDAP they're stuck in active directory but I so so I'll argue though that IBM I mean IBM said fuck it we're dipping on the hardware we did we they killed hardware oh they they've been doing managed infrastructure forever they they they sit on every mainframe in the United States sure and they still own cobalt right like so they still own like all this old stuff they now they have Watson so the one thing so so I will give IBM I don't know how again it seems like once a company gets so big and that they just get their tentacles into the things long enough that they can just kind of continue to just milk the systems and just like they just have this ability to survive I think the holy grail if you get to that size as you get your your your tentacles into a corporation right IBM's secret sauce is sign a billion dollar contract yeah come in for the first year overstaff it take over a bunch of people's jobs that worked at that company learn have them pass all the knowledge down right take that knowledge completely net let everyone networked at that company turnover right and so now they're the only ones with any knowledge of how this company works and then the next thing they do they pull the rug out three years later and cut their staff on it by till like 25% and so now they own all of your IP yep yep and their and their staff and you 25% they did in the first three years yeah so so so Watson Watson now I saw that there's very specifically going to build Watson for cobalt and and I actually that's a smart idea it's a brilliant idea so so they own cobalt there's just not a lot of cobalt and I've talked about this I don't know if this ever made it on the show before but there's a there's not a whole lot of cobalt and GitHub so there's not a lot of knowledge of cobalt in these LLMs and cobalt is the language that is basically controlling a lot of the banking sector a lot of the insurance sector a lot of the financial services like there's old school mainframe 1953 is when cobalt was released so this just tells you how old this language is and they're very very like step-by-step procedure programming like programming concepts and yeah it's I won't even pretend to understand how cobalt works I did get pulled into a project to be able to try to even document cobalt and I'm like well yeah I'm just gonna take the cobalt's code and I'm just gonna throw it into an LLM and be like document this right and thinking because like I could do that with JavaScript no sir like there it's just it's just a different it's just a totally different world over there in this cobalt space then IBM's position to program and have their their system learn from all these other you know and that would probably be a good use case is like if I was if I was anthem and humana and bank of America let's say we're all three of us have some similar mainframe backends for our processing systems and you know 30 40 years of code written into the systems I'm not saying any of those companies have mainframes all the other one I know one of them do I know I know at least one of them but my point is like they should get together and that's a gaxially and a benefit like IBM has all those contracts they should they should they should let them train it no it's I mean there's gonna be a very just don't let Elon train it because he doesn't understand how date the date property works and the default date property works in cobalt there's there's no doubt that there's there's a a reckoning happening that there are a ton of cobalt developers who are now in their seven 60 70s and 80s who are dying who are dying with a ton of knowledge that has never been captured that's never been documented that's never been anything so whoever really can figure out how to crack the cobalt nut to basically not only say okay here's our entire project here's the data that like think about databases back then when they were trying to work on shit and like what's that actually look like to be able to have an AI to be able to navigate these legacy systems to be able to properly understand how they're supposed to work what all the business processes are what all the business rules are to then say okay now here's how we migrate that to a new modern platform you know you know what's really crazy is my dad's 72 years old him and I used to reprogram DOS in our compact persaria to juice it up so we'd have enough RAM to play Carmen C. N. D. A. Go fair and space right like that was like a memory hog back in the day yeah um but like we're basically at the point where every every human that has that has above the age of 18 that is alive in this country has experience using a computer and has lived through the computing era yeah and mo and and almost all those people like my dad was my dad was what he was 1952 so he's so he's in his 30s when when AOL comes out he's in his late 30s you know every single you can't fool these guys they're smart guys I mean they they you know they grew up with her DOS and they know spreadsheets they know they they a lot of them are very like savvy right and I mean maybe maybe maybe it's just the accountants and things like that but like you basically have like almost all living humans either most of that and maybe maybe you need 10 more years but basically everyone that's alive now has grown has has lived through the computing era the personal computing era right so but here's something that's kind of interesting that I'm not 100% sure how I rectify this is that so I have to help my parents who are baby boomers set up their technology set of computers whatever I also have to help my son right like I would have expected that my my younger the next generation should be better at technology than we were on I don't see their worse why is that because they they they were born into it because it just it just yeah I straight up had a typing class in in middle school and I did AOL and I was like trying to chat girls up for me dude it blew my daughter's mind the other day when I put so I've got all my kids now well not all my kids and my youngest I do not I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old okay my 10 year old is almost 11 fifth and sixth grade they do not have iPhones I will not buy I will they with they want to buy an iPhone they can buy it themselves in their 18 years old I'm not buying them one um damn you're and they're not getting phones they can they can they can they can figure it out if they want to buy a phone they can buy their own phone um you won't stop them you won't stop them uh well no they won't have an iPhone they won't have anything that if they want to buy if you know no no no you're not you're changing your tone you just said if they want to go buy a five hundred nine nine dollar iPhone I mean if that yeah we we'd have a discussion but they're not having something that they can get on social media that they they're not gonna be allowed on social media till their adults really no it's trash it's terrible right they can call me they can call me that's not about you yeah it's it's it's it's about them right it's about their it's about their safety isn't that funny though like you won't let them do it because you know how bad it is let me do it now I mean I see I see I've seen it too many times right but let me ask let me ask though the um what what what will be interesting is the rest um anytime for me at least person my personality the moment that you tell me no right the moment that you say Brandon you're not allowed to do this you're like motherfucker then that means yeah it's to say it totally agree my best friend mom was so weird about um candy now he's the biggest candy eater of all time right I think that that though is that you have to be in a nurturing home or they respect that decision right like if they're sitting there going I want a phone I want a phone I want a phone we we'll have a conversation my good son my my my my daughter's the only one of her friends that now phone she's never wants us for a phone right yeah we did the same thing with my son where we we did not have like a high-tech phone and I held even to this day his phone is pretty janky he's 22 years old and and and Brandon I think a lot of those people these kids that they're kind of reject that stuff a little bit but I want to get back to your original question right which is why don't they know how computers work and it's because they never it's because of it they never had to figure it out it was just presented it always works it so and this is going back now to the to my my argument that that in in a lot of respects I think that the usability like that when Steve Jobs came and made the usability thing happen with Apple and then everybody said okay usability has to be a critical element here we've got to make these things so fucking easy to use that even idiots can use it and you don't have to have any critical thinking anymore you can just go in you can just do it and you're like look at me I'm using these things right before you used to have to like think you have to kind of work through it and so now you don't have to do that anymore and that what does that do to our person it it's well first of all they don't know how to type that's the number one thing yeah they do not know how to get on to so I blew my my daughter's mind when I got her on like you remember those old like typing apps like where the words would fall from and you would like try to get it I find there's there's stuff they're great yeah and you know teach you home row and certain things like they've been speaking they don't teach they don't teach these they put Chromebooks in these kids hands but they don't teach them how to use computers right they tell them hey go to go click on this thing and all everything they do is point and click there's no typing right and if there is typing they're sitting there and hunting pecking but there's no like you know you're gonna need to take like my keyboarding teacher was my baseball coach and if you didn't type 60 words a minute you had to stay after like this dude ran keyboarding like he ran a baseball team if you if you weren't locked in like in all of us are just absolutely amazing typeers right and now you're getting to the point in the future where it's like well you don't even really need to type because AI is just basically an expression you're just basically you just basically throw out some some thoughts and then you know I know because I do it I use it every day I'm just like hey I don't have to type a whole lot of stuff I and and actually like a lot of times if there's now like this long conversation or long thing that I have to report to a customer or like a client or a prospect if I need to report a statement of work to a prospect you want to know what I do now the first thing I do is I go to chat GBT I start the chat and I hey hey what's up and it's like hey how you doing my alright we're gonna talk about this and this is what we're gonna do and blah blah blah blah and I will have a 45 minute long conversation with the advanced voice on chat GBT about everything that I'm thinking about this client about what their problem is what I think that we could potentially do with some ideas and like take it different directions and I'm like let's just have conversation about this now and we'll go back and forth and we'll have a bunch of questions like all right that sounds pretty good go ahead and generate me a statement of work for this and there it is and then I go through and I'll kind of correct it and do whatever I mean so I do it and and like I don't I don't know what happens like do I eventually forget how to write yeah it's like you know it keeps coming back to like are we the main character in this story like if you were born between the years of 19 well I'm just including your ass because you're old as fuck but if you're if you're a yeah you're ever excluding you if you were born in like 1981 to 1986 like you've grown up through all these transformational errors right I was I was I was I was I was 17 and 9.11 I was I was 9 when AOL 2.5 came out right you know I was I was I was 16 when I got cable internet right I was I was I was I was 24 when the iPhone got came out we are 10 years apart I was 21 I was 21 I first logged into Facebook I was 22 and the financial crisis it and I was only 22 because you're like 22 23 yeah I was 20 yeah I'm I'm I'm I miss that but it's like it's like we got to figure out how to per figure out a basically build computers yeah well I built computers when I was a kid oh yeah yeah no also I just said typing test well I knew I knew I said yeah so how we do I did 62 words per minute and I've had three beers so that's too bad 100 percent no typos because I went back and fixed them all probably was probably a lot faster but a lot of back spacing I fixed those there so I do miss Mavis Beacon though there was um very so so back when we were kids things were not well defined um and so like right now when you guys go to websites and you just see everything's like usable everything's beautiful everything's like we all know like anytime you can come to either of our you can go to you crafted you can go to happy data and you can be like hey we need to build this we probably 99 percent of the time know exactly what we need to design what we need to build the design patterns up a defined everything's standard we just know what to do and we can just go do that back then this shit was the wild west man and and you had very limited resources you had no you like you had no memory you had nothing so you had to get really really creative back then and you did have to understand just how things fundamentally worked now you can be like yeah fuck it I'll just go and throw webkit into here and and this and have you know 500 megabyte downloads for an application and whatever it's fine it's not a big deal so we you just had that you you did have to have a special kind of mentality that that I'm not sure what it means when when the kids that are growing up today just never had to have that and it just might be that I'm an old fucking person now it doesn't matter you remember sprites oh hell yeah I still think about we were literally we were so concerned about image size that we were like what if we put 38 images on one image and just offset the xy coordinates so we could get to the new one how great was that though it was great but also it was a pain it was freaking it's such a nightmare let's take it let's take it one step further there's actually a company that's I think a bookmarker tweet today I was like rise it was I think it was rise I need to post in that we need to remember to post this in the comments but they're basically their premise is why did did Steve Jobs kill macro media flash which was ultimately a doby flash right which was an embeddable third party tech that you can embed in browsers which enabled a lot of creativity on the web like you had to download the plugin the flash plugin right from your browser but essentially you could embed action script apps which were like pretty it was a pretty heavy media some I mean you could build video games you could do all and it's weird because like my kids are playing these really crazy video games in the browser now and I'm like well there's like Java applets I don't even know canvas their can they are they all canvas apps oh yeah so canvas man you the things you can do with canvas now is really really crazy so yeah most of them are probably going to be canvas so but but they're still are they still writing all that with JavaScript yeah really yep yep there's a bunch of now but there's a bunch of different libraries that are available out there so you can do like there's specific game engines that are just available in JavaScript that are just a renderer canvas renderer canvas you put in your sprites you know they're called sprites there for that but but but flashes I think flashes secret sauce was was was the was the platform it was action script and flash it was the development environment right I mean it wasn't necessarily the plugin like it was the fact that that flex so oh I loved flex was flex was so fucking bad at so flex really for me like so flex was an Adobe product it was an Adobe product it came out and and it was basically taking and saying hey we're going to give you a full inner inter IDE and a whole development language a whole interface library basically all it was if you imagine like what almost Swift has is like today they had that with with flex and you could go and you could build these amazing applications it was all rendered in Swift you had these data attributes I mean it was I was in the I was in the Adobe Flex user group and I went and did a demo yep and I was seven or seven or 17 I was 20 and I went and did a demo in front of a bunch of professors and they're like it was the user group was not students it was all people that worked at IU right and I did my demo and it was cool yeah and they and they but they sat there and grilled me on it they are all like they were all like but they weren't jealous but they were like they were like did you like they didn't think I did it sure dude so I okay I had the same exact experience so the Schirm society for human resource management a huge organization for all HR things one of the companies I was working for we were going to sponsor with their event down in New Orleans and I ended up building a whole like career site thing using flex and it was this and shit would fly around and had like all this it was crazy and no one could believe that that was the first thing I ever built with flex because I went to one of the Indianapolis flex group or flash groups and I gave a demo on what I built and they're like this is the first time you've ever built flex I'm like yeah dude this is how fucking amazing this thing is like the things you can build with in high-mix like the guy who who shows up and he's in everyone's like oh here's what I put here's my here's my MVP and like and like and like and like Brandon walks in and he's like oh I spent three hours on this and it's like it like it does like 10,000 more times stuff that he's does and he's like it was cool is this drunk what do we got Brandon all right next up we have our Swedish company and I can't remember their name Clarna Clarna so Clarna came out the idea basically being the CEO saying hey we saw that they offered a bunch of customer all of their customer service stuff they saw that they could use an AI chatbot that they would actually get pretty good results so they figured they could just fire every all their customer service and just use AI for that and that was kind of a big news thing that happened a few you know I don't three four months ago well apparently come to find out it didn't go as exactly as planned and this is exactly what we've been talking about for a long time companies are gonna lean too hard into AI thinking that you can just have AI without the human element of this and not shoot yourself in the fucking foot and that's exactly what happened now his post you know he's talking about hey we just you know we had an epiphany in a world of AI nothing will be as valuable as humans right that's that's the CEO speak that he's kind of coming back and being like oh please come back to work because I know we fired all of you but we really want some goodwill here so so they basically just shot the bad put all their investment into AI and it just wasn't working for him and so that's the other thing that we have to remember here is that use AI absolutely use AI do not use AI to replace your humans use AI to empower your humans give your humans now the ability to take a deep breath to use or create a faculties to do the things that humans are good at to allow the a i's to do the shit that they're good at and that that's where you're gonna find the best medium for your business and it's not just gonna be hey just swipe all these people away pretending I as much as your capitalistic instincts tell you that you should ultimately replace all these humans with AI because you can just remember that you actually need humans to buy your shit so don't do it that's my stance I like it and then yeah well I have not super related but I was mulling this over I've been like you know we've seen the marketer the the writers like best real reaction to AI right like you you see on a you see on like LinkedIn like people being like you can always tell it's an AI generated thing because it has to be the emojis and blah blah blah blah and I do agree that like sure we need to be diligent and like responsible with how we're using AI but also like I think it's dismissive of like I'm not a great writer and there's plenty of people out there who aren't great writers and they can use AI to empower themselves to do better and to get overwriters blocking all that stuff so like yeah there's a middle ground here where it's not here's the the spectrum that we're seeing is like AI is the worst thing ever humans are the only people who could ever do anything right and then there's the business people that are like AI is gonna replace all humans and we should just kill them and replace them with AI but the middle ground is like what we've been talking about since day one which okay it can make great good people great it can make okay people good you know like let's just use it to the what is that saying a rising tide shit and the rising tide in the water yeah shit in the bears and the sharks no no no so they again they get the the the guitar string there's two tight snaps and it's too loose you can't play right like it's it's the middle way and it's that middle way is is is everything that you're gonna find in your life yeah and I don't the way to go I don't want to dismiss people who are really like we're programmers and yes a junior shouldn't think now I can write whatever because I have AI right get the creative people who are like a little defensive of their profession the thing that they've perfected and they're really good at I don't want to be dismissive of that at all but I also and I also don't want to enable the business people that are like we fire you now but you know right I was in a networking event which I do not like networking events but also it's just because I'm being annoying about things and it was fine it was good but it was good it was good I liked it you know I just don't like being fake but anyways you know two people asked me so many people asking everybody's been asking me it's the worst way to start a comment ever two people asked me they said well you're in development what you know what do you think about AI and there's such a sense from from people all these people on the services business right they're all they're all in the they're all in the soft they're all they're all white collar you know knowledge workers with knowledge businesses you know they're selling marketing they're selling they're selling sales I love people at sales sales I sell sales I make your sales better make your marketing you better be pretty good sell sales sales sales make your sales better sale that's selling there's a doctor's juice book in there somewhere yeah exactly I make you better at what you do versus actually doing it which is what we do which is we do the things but there's like this sense in all their voices like like you think what do you think about that we think I'll shift you're gonna live are you gonna survive you know are you getting replaced and I'm like like you like that's not even the question to me the question is what are you doing about it right how are you using it yeah because if you're gonna go and you're gonna say well this is affecting the world I'm gonna do what I always did if if Facebook invents react and they say that it's gonna reinvent the way you build user interfaces well I'm gonna spend the next month of my life researching how that works exactly and guess what now it's two years later and now I use AI every day and it's makes me way more productive it doesn't it didn't replace me it's not going to because now I'm on the top of that knowledge man you know what and I think I think that maybe that's that is the the biggest issue with people who are not creators right that they do not understand that what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna create we're gonna create using the platform and that that's what we've always fucking done give us tools and we're gonna create and so when they're like what's AI gonna do we're gonna fucking use it as the tool that it is when you said I used Adobe Flex and I used to do it by least surprising thing I've heard all day right right because you know we all live in the same world and it's like this dude's a creator he doesn't care no what it is he's just gonna use the stuff and make the stuff right yeah so and that's what that's what that is the difference so all these people are like doom and gloom that they always gonna take our jobs and they always gonna AI is gonna take jobs of course guess what so did the so did the manufacturing processes that we came up with so did you know like the ways that we cultivate you know the fields now like that got rid of jobs so jobs are going to go away that's just the way that things and farmers let's be honest a farmer that that work that farms is land now he doesn't farm is land the same way he used to farm that land no no he's got he's got advanced technology right right he you know there's there's companies that are doing you know I mean it's just it's not the same no right it's in it and and there's people that are old school and they and they can keep doing their stuff in their old school and maybe they're really successful at that sure right and and maybe that doesn't affect all industries whatever but they there's there's there's also people that are just constantly evolving this is the difference in certain people right you know and I think I think the they argument from like an Alex carp CEO of Palantir who's by the way sold one pulled the rug on everyone and sold 1.2 billion dollars of his stock this week oh no he just thinks this dependulum is not going to swing the other way like it's already swung like if you don't adopt you're going to die and that's a really good way to sell to Ford CEO and you know and and like all these you know defense you know like you know the US government and all these places where it's like if you don't do this you're going to fail you're going to die and maybe they maybe he's right but um you know it's it's happened before it's happened in other industries and the answer the answer to all these questions is adaptor die yeah adaptor die that's it that's it and and it's no different than it has been for the last 300 million years adaptor die and that's it so either you're going to be in this new environment you're you can you can scream and fight and try to stop technology all you want we know that that never actually does it damn but a good that technology it's it's almost like technology is as bred us to be able to manifest itself whole different conversation it's not going to stop so you either adapt or you die and that's that's ultimately yeah that's it i think that's a good way to first end the big cheese AI podcast or die this has been the big cheese AI podcast with your host Sean Hice Jacob Wise and Brandon Corbin i am armed with sound effects we'll see you guys next week