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In the Age of A.I., How Much Is Silicon Valley Prepared to Give Back?


Silicon Valley leaders, including Sam Altman of OpenAI, are pushing for programs that provide no-strings-attached cash payments as a form of guaranteed income, responding to AI's impact on the job market. Despite political resistance in some states, the support for basic income is growing, with significant measures proposed in Oregon and big studies like the Unconditional Income Study highlighting potential benefits.

  • One-bedroom apartments in Silicon Valley rent for about $3,000 a month.
  • Oregon may give $750 annually to residents funded by a corporate tax.
  • Houston's basic income program faced a legal challenge from Texas' attorney general.
  • OpenAI contributed $10 million to the Unconditional Income Study.
  • Sam Altman and others in tech advocate for a guaranteed income due to AI advancements.