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The love letter generator created by Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey


Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey pioneered AI writing with the love letter generator, a program that penned peculiar love letters and became one of the world's first computer-generated writings. The duo's efforts in the early 1950s at the University of Manchester signified a groundbreaking moment in artificial intelligence, and had deeper personal significance as both men were gay during a time when homosexuality was criminalized.

  • The love letter generator was one of the first instances of AI writing.
  • Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey were key figures in early AI development.
  • Their collaboration produced the world's first computer-generated music.
  • The Mark 1 computer was used to create the love letter program.
  • The program had personal significance for Turing and Strachey's lives as gay men.